Saturday, November 26, 2011

Breakfast Recipe #281

"Life is a constant battle for survival. And as we grow older, the rules change on a daily basis. Our mission is not to escape, but to survive. Not to deal with triumph, but to deal with failure. Not to run away from fear, but to master it. It takes courage to keep on fighting. So, if you feel like the rules have shifted one step higher, deal with it with greater faith and never, ever surrender. God is our strength"

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Breakfast Recipe #280

“Every test in our life makes us bitter or better, every problem comes to make us or break us. Choice is ours whether we become victim or victorious…”

Breakfast Recipe #279

“Seeking God first early in the morning gives us power to face trials and temptations for He is our refuge and shelter day by day.”

Breakfast Recipe #278

“A kind word doesn’t cost anything; it never hurts the tongue or lips; it can accomplish much and brings out good in every person… Give one today!”

Breakfast Recipe #277

“God is always true to His promise. Whatever He started in you, He will take it to completion because He perfectly loves you. Nothing is hard if the heart has love; nothing is impossible when the heart understands; and nothing is heavy when God is in your heart!”

Breakfast Recipe #276

“There are instances we do not want to happen but they happen anyway.
There are things we don’t want to know but we have to learn.
There are people we don’t want to live with but we need to.
And there are people we think we can’t live without but we have to let go!

We call all these ACCEPTANCE… a part of LETTING GO and LETTING GOD.”

Breakfast Recipe #275

“Like water, be peaceful…
Like earth, know your balance…
Like fire, be alive…
Like wind, fly free.
Continue to praise the Lord for His guidance and abundant love.
Continue to share the gifts to others, let it flow… Enjoy the bountiful blessings!”

Breakfast Recipe #274

“You might get tired of life sometimes…

and it’s one thing you’ve got to be proud of…

it means that you’ve been fighting…

as it gets harder, you’ll be tougher…

life without conflict is living without a purpose. The world isn’t perfect but it’s all worthwhile!”